Siblings June and Harvy sit down each week to watch movies and describe them to you...except we almost always derail and talk about anything but what is happening on screen. Join us for cynicism, bad movies, beer-drinking, and jokes (our mom thinks we're funny). In a horror movie, we'd be the funny, slightly annoying guy that nobody roots for and survives much longer than he should. So, if you please, come watch with us.

Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Episode 71- Hollow Man
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Kevin Bacon goes invisible for science and spends the whole time molesting, raping, and killing spirit speakers, dogs, and former lovers. Technical difficulties, the dog does die, and penises so drinking abounds. Quote of the show: "You wouldn't want to let an invisible virgin loose on the streets." June and Harvy talk shit through Hollow Man (2000).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Episode 70- Alien vs. Predator
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
To be fair we watched this movie several weeks ago. We didn't know what it was about when we watched it and we still have no idea. But we started with technical difficulties so drink. June and Harvy talk shit through Alien vs. Predator (2004).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Episode 69- The Happening
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Markie Mark makes a movie. He is a science teacher. He is married to Zooey Deschanel. They are unhappy. Mother Nature is really unhappy. People die. Markie and Zooey live. They get pregnant. Everybody is happy. Except for France and the guy who should've brought his bicycle home. And of course, except for June and Harvy and pretty much anybody else who saw this movie. June and Harvy talk shit through The Happening (2008).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Episode 68- Halloween III
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Four more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. Four more days to Halloween, we hate this movie. It's like Goosebumps, the Haunted Mask, but way less scary...and with Stonehenge..and robots for some reason. And since this is the worst thing ever made, come drink with us instead of watching, we have updates to the June and Harvy drinking game. June and Harvy talk shit through Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Episode 67- Cursed
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
BLB-BLB-BLB. Hi, and Happy Halloween! This movie should be called Red Herring...or Full Circle (like the moon and Christina Ricci's forehead)...or the only jump scares in this movie are Joshua Jackson surprising everyone. If Harvy is sick June won't touch him. Lance Bass is here to say, "This is my beard. I like to call her Sally. I know Justin Timberlake." And Harvy has a unique approach to conquering a maze of mirrors. Also, we're not sure if this is a werewolf movie or a vampire movie. June and Harvy talk shit through Cursed (2005).
New episodes uploaded uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Episode 66- Jeepers Creepers 3
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
This movie is boring and makes absolutely no sense (in the timeline it is sandwiched between the first and second movies and there's a Jeepers killing squad...?) so the discussion centers on chewing tobacco and the Purge. June and Harvy talk shit through Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Episode 65- Night of the Demons
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Happy Halloween month. To kick things off we watch Night of the Demons, an underappreciated and quite enjoyable horror flick. Cool cinematography, creepy effects, and sick burns abound, you festering fuck wads. June and Harvy discover the answer to the question they never wanted to have to ask: what is she going to do with that lipstick?! June and Harvy talk shit through Night of the Demons (1988).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Episode 64- Double Team
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
For some reason, somebody thought that Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman should pair up and make a movie, whose title would be better suited for a porno. Drink every time a window is smashed, whenever Rodman dyes his hair, and whenever incognito Van Damme appears in a black baseball cap. June and Harvy talk shit through Double Team (1999).
New episodes uploaded every (mostly) Sunday. Follow us on Instagram @ June_Harvy.

Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Episode 63- Friday the 13th Part 2
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Happy Friday the 13th (a couple days ago). For some reason the bulk of the movie discussion revolves around an alternate idea: Jason vs. Jesus. Who would win? What super powers would Jesus have? And this was an accidental full circle as the lore of Friday the 13th's unluckiness relates to Jesus. Just saying.
Part 2 is actually quite enjoyable, bringing us perhaps the smartest and least ridiculous final girl ever (even if she does pee large quantities of goo out of her foot); and white sack masked Jason who is much creepier than the iconic hockey masked villian.
June and Harvy talk shit through Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Episode 62- Inspector Gadget
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Go, go, gadget terrible movie. Weak story with none of the charm of the old cartoon. Dr. Claw is a putz and we know we could do better. It's a campy Robocop and time should be taken to create a gritty Inspector Gadget, so we spend much of the movie discussing that. Also, Harvy doesn't believe it's possible to bend over in a non-sexual way. June and Harvy talk shit through Inspector Gadget (1999).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday (or whenever the hell I feel really). Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.