Siblings June and Harvy sit down each week to watch movies and describe them to you...except we almost always derail and talk about anything but what is happening on screen. Join us for cynicism, bad movies, beer-drinking, and jokes (our mom thinks we're funny). In a horror movie, we'd be the funny, slightly annoying guy that nobody roots for and survives much longer than he should. So, if you please, come watch with us.

Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Episode 31- Die Hard 2
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
This Happy Christmas month continues with the discovery that June is a 27th degree murderer. Did you hear that Burt Reynolds died? It was like two years or two months ago or something. Harvy gets real upset at the idea of a 94-year old getting a puppy (because he's about to get one himself). June and Harvy talk shit through (but barely watch) Die Hard 2 (1990).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Episode 30- Santa Jaws
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Happy Christmas month everybody! To kick off the holiday season we watch a shark endowed the the spirit of an evil Santa terrorize a family. This straight to SyFy flick is exactly what you'd expect. Discussions include: the best treat for snacking meant to be eaten straight out of a stocking, shark mating, and Thankskilling (because that movie will haunt us forever). June and Harvy talk shit through Santa Jaws (2018).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at june_harvy.

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Episode 29- Robocop 3
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
The new title for this movie is Robocock 3: Roboner. Nooo. Robocop fights some robot ninja's in what are perhaps the most anticlimactic fight scenes ever put to film. June and Harvy talk shit through Robocop 3 (1993).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at june_harvy.

Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Episode 28- Thanksgiving
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
ThanksKilling is a movie which will make you want to bleach out your eyes. But turkeys can fly so that's cool. Sorry for the interruption in the middle, we had to stop the film and reconsider all of our life choices, but we come back with Buffy the Vampire Slayer so in the end, all is well. June and Harvy talk shit through part of ThanksKilling and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Pangs). Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Episode 27- Judge Dredd
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sylvester Stallone (is really short), Bubble Boy, Rob Schneider, and the Iron Giant battle it out in a distant future...for some reason...because Stallone and Bubble Boy are twins and that makes Bubble Boy mad...? June and Harvy talk shit through Judge Dredd (1995).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Episode 26- Scooby-Doo
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sugar Ray is in this movie. That's pretty much all you need to know. Also, a lengthy nonsensical argument about the likelihood of the police showing up to rescue an island full of people whose souls were stolen by a puppy...heavily edited for your protection. June and Harvy Talk Shit through Scooby-Doo (2002).
Happy Veteran's Day to all of those who served. Thank you! Stay proud, stay strong, and keep believing in the power of human kindness.
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Episode 25- X-Men
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Long debates about the best, worst, and most preferred mutant power to have (the ability to turn things to room temperature is obviously the most useful), how to get knighted, and the science behind your hair turning white from a scare. Dame June and Sir Harvy talk shit through X-Men (2002).

Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Episode 24- Halloween: Resurrection
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Happy Halloween everybody! A bunch of nobodies get murdered in an old house on 2002 webcam. Not the worst Mikey movie but not the best (seriously, just go see the new one). And what does Mikey do in all of his spare time? June and Harvy talk shit through Halloween: Resurrection (2002).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at june_harvy

Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Episode 23- Jeepers Creepers 2
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
A movie about a TENES team terrorized by a winged creature with a vagina nose. June and Harvey talk shit through Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at June_Harvy.

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Episode 22- Ernest Scared Stupid
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Why would any parent allow their child to wander out into the forest to build a tree house with the inept local garbageman? It's weird no matter how zany he is. June and Harvy take a stab at and talk some shit through the Halloween classic Ernest Scared Stupid (1991).
New episodes uploaded every Sunday. Follow us on Instagram at june_harvy.